Gees Louis! How cool are these cupcakes?!?! I really wanted to try something fun, so I went with these! They are surprisingly simple to make. You could use any cupcake recipe with a thick batter, but you are in for a real treat with this recipe! It's super simple and so moist and delicious!
Before we get to the "how to", I need to introduce our new puppy, Snoop!

His big brother Willis is not too fond of him yet, but he is warming up. I don't think you've had the opportunity to meet Willis, my absolute favorite being in the entire world!

These cupcakes remind me of my favorite time of the year, summer time! They are just so colorful and fun! I am seriously missing warm weather, the beach, and boat rides, and so is Willis...

Moving on (with a sad face)...
1 white cake mix
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Combine all ingredients and scrap the sides down
3. Mix for 2 minutes
4. Evenly divide batter up in separate bowls (depends on how much many colors you want)
5. Add a different color to each bowl of batter (I used pink, yellow, green, that order)
6. Layer each color into lined cupcake wells (you may have to spread the batter around with your finger because it is super thick, it helps if you wet your finger first or use a wet spoon to spread the batter)
7. Bake for about 18 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean
*I put about 2 tbsp of each color into the wells and filled them to the top. My cupcakes were HUGE and it made about 13. I would recommend filling the wells about 2/3-3/4 of the way full.*
These cupcakes can be super fun to decorate, get creative!
Here's the recipe that I used for the icing. I am very excited to share this with you because it is AMAZING!
3 tbsp flour
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup butter (salted, or unsalted and add salt, see substitutions page)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla (plus an extra dash)
1. In a saucepan on medium heat, whisk flour and milk until thick
2. Cool completely in freezer or refrigerator
3. Beat sugar and butter until it is fluffy (I used butter a little cooler than room temperature)
4. Add flour mixture and vanilla
5. Beat this mixture until it is creamy and fluffy, this takes about 8 minutes
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